About “Ask a Conversation Designer”

Graphic with green speech bubble on a yellow background, with three pieces of wadded-up yellow paper inside the speech bubble

got a question about conversation design?

Over the years, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about conversation design. Many times, people are asking the same or similar questions. Rather than just respond individually, I decided it would benefit more people if the answer was available to anyone.

I also love advice columns. Reading them is one of my hobbies.

Using an advice column format to answer questions seemed like a logical thing to do. So here we are!

Check back on Mondays to see the latest question and answer. And feel free to send in one of your own by emailing AskACXD@gmail.com. (Let me know if you’d like me to use your real name or not.)

What can you ask about? Anything related to conversation/voice/chatbot design, careers in tech, being a woman in tech, etc.

Each week I’ll select a question and post an answer here.

Thanks, and happy designing!